Asset Five Group Public Company Limited. ("the Company") is well aware that corruption adversely affects the reputation of both the Company and its subsidiaries.

Competitive ability may be compromised, potentially leading to diminished acceptance of the company and its subsidiaries both domestically and internationally. This could also erode the confidence of shareholders, investors, and all stakeholders. Consequently, the company and its subsidiaries are committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and fairness, treating all stakeholders equitably. Therefore, the company has established a formal "Anti-Corruption Policy" to express its dedication to combating corruption and to define the operational boundaries for the company's directors, executives, and all employees of the company and its subsidiaries.

Anti-Corruption Policy
Whistle Blower Policy

Whistleblowing Channel

Stakeholders who witness any violations or non-compliance with the code of ethics in business operations can make inquiries or express their concerns through this channel.